Deborah Spencer
My Teaching Philosophy
Music, singing and teaching have been my life and vocation. I teach with passion, enthusiasm and dedication in providing the best possible teaching/performing standards and outcomes for the singers I work with…. Deborah Spencer- Soprano- Teacher (M.Mus, B.Mus.Ed, LTCL, Certified NLP Master Practitioner and Coach )

My singing lessons develop voices, musicianship, vocal and performance skill through a tailored individual approach. They are based on sound pedagogical principals gained through my own research and experience, tertiary education, numerous voice teachers, masterclasses with eminent teachers, courses, international festivals and schools, performance experience, seminars, coaches and other related industry professionals.
Music, singing and teaching have been my life and vocation. I teach with passion, enthusiasm and dedication in providing the best possible teaching/performing standards and outcomes for the singers I work with.
For specific examples of any of the information below ask me personally there are too many to list here. There is no substitute for experience, I have many years of successful teaching and performance experience, and I am flexible to meet the changing needs of students and schools. Central to this is my love of and respect for the music, singing and the singers I teach.
Singers from my studio participate in government talent development projects, NIDA based musicals, Australian Theatre For Young People, Australian Girls Choir, Sydney Philharmonia, Knox Theatre Group, Gondwana Voices, and Australian Childrens Choir. They complete AMEB and Trinity College Examinations including Diploma Level, HSC including music2, 2 unit and Extension levels. Students also perform in Soirees, Concerts, Community Choirs, Theatre Groups, as well as the usual round of auditions, competitions and eisteddfods here and overseas. They have gained entry to University Scholarships, Music, Teaching and Acting Courses. They have sung in Operas, Musicals and for church groups.